
Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

I Wish I Was a SAHM

Or a mom or had the intent of being a stay at home wife.  Im not though which is why I had to give up.  Husband and I talked about my stress levels for a while.  Made my own laundry detergent, deodorant, household cleaners, vacuum powder...and so on.  I was doing this on top of school work and my internship. Holy crap.

I broke down and bought some Pine Sol mostly because I found that most green cleaners arent green at all! While I loved using baking soda, lets be honest.  It really is hard to rinse the fridge or the floors.  My time I used to make detergent is now spent studying and I have a little more me time.  Oh how fun life is again!  Yep we bought some detergent for the first time in almost a

It is nice to be able to relax when I get home.  I get to spend time with husband, play with my fur babies, and me.  Now when I came onto the whole idea of having a child, I thought about buying my own diapers and the whole nine yards.  You know what?  I think I will just do a diapering service.  Besides it was never about the cost but about reusing.  When it comes time for daycare, I could always check and see if they take All In Ones

No more walking everywhere.  I need to invest in a car mostly because all the good jobs are quite a ways away.  It is going to be 101 outside Friday and its a two mile walk to my interning clinic.  Perfect example right there...oh hell naw.

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