So many of us start in Aquaponics as a way of feeding ourselves or saving a little money or better feeding our family. However some people, some who started out for one reason became aware that through A/P they could possibly help this planet and they became driven to use Aquaponics as a tool to help others.
So I started to go through my notes to see who, what, where and how. Heres what I found and I hope you enjoy.
Living Food BankTM to Provide Fresh Fish and Vegetables in Haiti
Lukes Mission has extensive experience using aquaponics, both in the US and in Haiti.Vancouver Island Universitys ongoing efforts in the direction of sustainability are evident inside a preferred aquaponics mission happening
During a recent trip to New York City, Felipe from GlobalGiving stopped by Brooklyn Rescue Mission for a quick visit. Here is his postcard from the field
I am writing to tell you about an exciting new opportunity for Brooklyn
Rescue Mission! We have been selected by the GlobalGiving Foundation to
participate in its Urban Farming Open Challenge
Our Mission Statement...
Provide support for those people who are most in need,
following Jesuss example.
Attain sustainability and teach others to do the same.
Provide support for those people who are most in need,
following Jesuss example.
Attain sustainability and teach others to do the same.
Olomana Gardens is a permaculture farm dedicated to serving the local community as a demonstration farm for modern, sustainable food growing systems suitable for small-scale farms and even food production for residential lots.
Our intention is to empower people through the education of food production, nutrition, and cultural integration. The demographic that we would like to impact first would be the communities residing in regions on our Earth that are suffering from famine, disease, and malnutrition
The training is being conducted by Challenger and 16 ANC members are completing a Certificate II in Aquaculture. It is planned that ANC members, once they have finished their training, will become mentors for other aboriginal communities to start their own aquaponics systems
Kijiji grows (kee-gee-gee) is a collaboration of farmers, artists, engineers, builders and educators who advocate for aquaponic gardening. Our mission is to bring aquaponics to the San Francisco Bay Area and change lives through urban sustainable growing systems in schools, homes and businesses
I really enjoyed the conference. It helped me see that my wife and I could contribute to serving the poor in ways that we didnt imagine. Theres enough information given to get started in Aquaponics. One day I hope to develop similar projects in Kenya and Nigeria.
An Australian sustainability collective has come up with a novel approach to bringing ecological organic food production into our cities. Their design is fast, efficient, cheap, demountable, and scalable. Welcome to the urban farming revolution proposed by CERES.
Build an aquaponics system to educate Central Brooklyn residents on the benefits of urban farming, healthy eating and improving healthy food access for residents in the communities where they live

Right, I think youll get the idea. There are a lot of people out and about who are striving to help my/your planet. Makes me feel pretty darn good inside.
So on that Note Ill bid you a fond fairwell....(O.K. So Im going all Mushy. So What)
Bye till Wednesday
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