
Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Lett uce now consider the Leafy Greens

Doesnt that have a nice ring to it.... And for Aquaponic converts, so it should. Although we can grow anything to perfection except root crops (and I havent given up on those yet) LEAFY GREENS are where Aquaponics excel to the extreme. Eight weeks to maturity, and tasting like pure gold, they really do make us feel just a bit proud when visitors come to find out what A/P is all about and we watch their eyes pop as they see a mass of fresh, crisp, beckoning lettuce.

Of course then we get a chance to boast just a little, with gems like "eight weeks" or "yep, all of those unusual plants growing right down to the end of the greenhouse are different types of lettuce as well". Because we grow heirlooms like they are weeds in A/P.

So because its spring soon here in the Wide Brown Land
margin: 0px ! important; padding: 0px ! important;" width="1">, its time to look at what is happening on the www regarding our Leafy Greens....

A pretty good reminder can be found at about dot com

there are all of the loose leaf varieties....

And of course the Cos Which are an absolute dream to grow under Aquaponics

Here is a PDF file I sure hope youll enjoy from 2007

Of COS theres more

and from the Lettuce & Herb Kitchen...

Did you notice in the pdf file the section on Black Soldier Fly. No? Well you might want to go back....

Meanwhile on the other side of the biggest pond in the world....The US of A

And I love this - the Cos Lettuce pushed the Over head lights out of the way....

When to Plant?

How about Cos Leaf Wrap... Just for the kitchen dabblers...

Final words come from Singapore and we are so glad to have them on board.

OK Guys n Gals Until Next Time
Be kind to your plants and your widdle fishies....

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