
Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

like youd know dude

Starting with teacher for Psych 305 was talking about how men were the leaders of the house so they were used in commercials to promote sort of a..."Im telling you to do this cause Im a man" sort of thing even on a tampon commercial. Well she was like "cause youd know dude."


And last night my Anthro teacher was talking about how a science person would view a philosopher. Its like they cant feel or see their theory. "Its like imagining mental masturbation."


Ugh I was walking home and it was lonely and cold. My fingers were freezing and I think I started having a panic attack. I hurried home but...i didnt want to really be there. Id rather be going to Adams bed...warm and cozy.

my way home from the dark bus stop I walked alone. A man jumped out of the bush. He grabbed me and tried to rip off my shirt. I tackled him to the ground and tied him to a pole. I found a large knife in his pocket. I smiled and slipped off his pants. I shoved his pants in his mouth so he wouldnt scream. I wandered around the avenue and found a branch and placed it in between his legs. I picked up his testicle and slowly cut his skin. I pushed his testicle to the ground and gave it a quick whack with the blade. He tried to scream. I closed up his scrotum and did the same on the other side. WHACK. I pulled out my stapler and stapled his scrotum closed. I put his pants back on and walked away.

This is why I shouldnt walk home alone. I get crazy thoughts like this.


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