
Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Jeruk limau AKA ■Citrus Amblycarpa ■or Nasnaran Mandarin ❂ grown from seed ✌

Jeruk limau AKA Nasnaran Mandarin

Our new citrus seeds arrived!, the variety is called - { jeruk limau }
and I tell ya, I love the name.
As you can see from the pictures, the seeds were very fresh, nearly every one sprouted, they seem to have a tendency to push there first leaves to the side and from inspection are polyembryonic. While they appear tiny, there root structure is quick and strong, probably the most aggressive roots of the varieties weve grown so far. Even at the size in this picture I still had to really pry them apart. ( was not expecting that at such a young age ) As stated around the web, these might have a good possibility for rootstock after production trials.
style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;">Far right is a visible sign of the second plant sprouting from one seed + polyembryonic + citrus amblycarpa
Jeruk Limau seedling + citrus amblycarpa

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