
Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

The Twelth Month


Today Im going to focus my attention on Blogs and Sites that are turning up through Twitter. Its strange how this social network draws a different group of Blogs than what the Search Engines like Goooooooogle does.This is good because it gives us a possible avenue for differing views and opinions. So, lets see what we can find.....

A temporary installation in the Massachusetts Avenue Project’s new aquaponics greenhouse — a multi-channel sound piece exploring the hidden sonic ecologies of MAP’s innovative and sustainable aquaponics system.

UTA student works to show others natures way.
Chowgene Koay wants to teach others how to live more in tune with nature.
The University of Texas at Arlington student has built two aquaponics units on his back patio in which he grows cabbage, spinach, squash and Swiss chard. He and his friends have dug out a swale in his back yard to harvest rainwater for a garden that contains broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mustard and lemongrass.

Growing Lettuce, Fish Together Helps Environment -
style="color: white;">Some believe its the future of farming because it uses only a fraction of the water.
"The fish waste provides the nutrients to the plants," explained J.D. Sawyer, owner of Colorado Aquaponics.

Aquaponics at a Hydroponic Trade Show

Grow 2010 bannerThis past week we exhibited our AquaBundance Aquaponics System at a hydroponics show for the first time. Since we launched AquaBundance only a couple months ago, we have only been to one other trade show – the Independent Garden Center (IGC) show. The dichotomy between the two could not have been starker. 

Bathtub Aquaponics arrayBathtub Aquaponics

from Daniel from rural Melbourn via Murray Hallams Aquaponics forum and EcoFilms blog
I have to admit that the first time I heard the term “Bathtub Aquaponics” I giggled.  I pictured a pink, claw footed, Victorian number in the backyard with tomato plants growing out of it.  Seemed a little too “Beverly Hillbillies” to me.

Growing fish in Greenhouses

Aquaponics Fish Tank and Pumps

Nov 30
I’m building an aquaponics system following the instructions in the ebook called Ultimate Aquaponics Home System. The book recommends a 379 liter (100 gallon) tank for fish and half the size for plants. My girlfriend found an aquarium capable of holding 325 liters (86 gallon) which we bought, valued at 387 USD. Neon tubes and timer electronics were included:

Semper Aquatic Food Exports - Sustainable, intensive food production. SAFE presents an advanced proprietary and patented method for indoor production of organic high quality fish. The patented re-c...

One Size Does Not Fit All: comparing sizes and techniques is Aquaponics

 A Veritable Plethera of Video clips - Relating to Aquaponics

Ok, I think that those videos will give you plenty to think about. So I might leave it at that for today/tonight.

So Ill bid you a pleasant day till next time


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