
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016

Aquaponic grow room

Ive begun to build my grow room inside my shop.
Over the years I have saved materials from various construction jobs.
So far all of the materials have been free.
As the project progresses I will add new photos.

Today I established a 30 gallon tank by using water and gavel from my existing pond.  Water is clearing slowly, but the real test will be when I check to see how well its handling the ammonia.

Here is something interesting.  The bacteria in my pond filter failed to quickly establish a biological bacteria in my new filter.  I added (about 8 cups gravel in a 30 gallon tank) At first I thought the bacteria either went dormant or died in the winter, but when added to ammonia to the established system quickly converts to nitrate so it must be that it more inoculant  is required.

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Windows are temporarily held in place.

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