
Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Rattlesnake Mountain

Marriott Ranch is a 4200 acre cattle ranch near Rattlesnake Mountain, about an hour from Washington, DC. I had the chance to accompany my autistic daughter...
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Epic solar boat adventurer Watt meter

Not so long ago I bought a watt meter online and it arrived as described.I love it when that happens.The best part isnt that it actually works, and works...
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Arc Controller Motor Shield More Power!!

The August 21 article "Arduino Motor Shield, Arc-Controller Launched By Arc Robotics" gave me a good reason to do a little research on microcontroller...
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Gravity Blog cross posting

Oh bloggers...I love you guys.  I know I get a lot of traffic here but quite frankly, I feel like Im talking to myself! I will be posting at a community...
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Loss of Appetite

UPDATE 8/9/2012I know it must seem like Im always correcting myself with these updates, but Im documenting the learning experience and attempting to pass...
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Miss Utility changes my plans

The reason my fish tank is full of petals...The weather has been beautiful, and so I decided it was time to start digging the planned 18" hole for my...
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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Insomniatic Throw Up

According to my spell check, insomniatic isnt a word. Thats ok...Im sure you can all figure it has something to do with insomnia.Well thats exactly how...
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Nubian goats Ontario Canada ◍ Meet Nabob and Mocha our coffee coloured goats ◍

Pet Nubian goats Nubian goatsGrass fed goatsGoats in Canada permacultureThis is mocha, hes a wild one. He loves eating/licking things hes not suppose...
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Aquaponics Venturi adjustment

I thought Id make a little adjustment to my venturi as suggested by Mike Creuzer in a comment on this post on my Venturi air thing.He thought I should...
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Winner The first 120 things in 20 years competition

So a while ago, I bought a MPPT solar charge controller.It turns out the nice ebay based company I bought it from was a fraud, and sold me a product that...
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Epic Adventurer Thinking something actually happened

Something actually happened!I did something.I secretly fed a duck and a turtle in a park near a hospital (Where there are "please dont feed the wildlife"...
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Heres the problem!

After experiencing what appeared to be an iron deficiency I began adding MircobeLift Iron Cheate 60ml at a time.   The levels would come up...
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Going Beyond....I was wondering over the last couple of days if any of you may be interested in thinking beyond the envelope, beyond Aquaponics. Not necessarily...
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Auqaponics Baby spinach

Normal people buy seedlings from plant stores.Normal people type on normal keyboards. im typng this on tisflexible waterproofkeyborthat my mumbughtfor...
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Mutli Phase Humboldt MCU Garden Project

As yesterdays Humboldt Laser Harp post indicated, the microcontroller (MCU) music group project is well under way. So now Im thinking about how to get...
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Chitin ☜ the all natural pesticide disease correction in plants ●●●●☺

We have been very interested in chitin as of recently, weve always used worm castings in our grows, even hydroponics,  but never knew of its amazing...
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